Mallards are very common breed of ducks in Ireland, along with Teals and Widgeons. The Mallard is the biggest of these and Teals are the smallest. Widgeons arrive in January and leave in March and like really cold weather.
The mallard is a large duck, has a long body and a wide bill. The male has a dark green head, a yellow bill, is mainly purple-brown on the breast and grey on the body. The female is mainly brown with an orange bill. They breed in all parts of Ireland in summer and winter, mainly where there are suitable wetland habitats. The nests for mallards are mostly found on the ground where it is hidden in bundles of reeds. Their diet is varied, and includes plant material, particularly seeds. They also eat shellfish. Other food they eat includes grain and stubble, and they have been known to feed on a variety of food items presented by humans.